Sunday, November 27, 2011

Was It Worth It?

Seeing everyone's posts this weekend about the great deal they got at this store or that, I had to ask myself - was it worth it?

Was it worth spending your Thanksgiving plotting which store you would hit first to try to get that one thing you "had" to have?  Did you miss a moment with your family that you'll never get back while pouring over the ads?

Was your desire for a $200 TV worth the big-box employee having to leave their Thanksgiving dinner to get to work in time to have their store open at midnight?  Or the employee who worked a split shift on Thanksgiving to get stock out and set up the promotions so that they didn't get a chance to spend the day with their family?  Was it worth the Target employee who crashed her car because she was so exhausted after her Black Friday shift?

We talk about the greed of the 1%, of the big businesses in America... maybe that greed is not so far away after all.  When people are pepper-spraying other customers, maybe it's time for all of us to take a good look in the mirror.

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