Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Been Awhile

The weekend before last, my lovely husband took both children grocery shopping.  Mommies - you know what that means: some much needed free time.

Want to know what I did?  I pooped.  I pooped without hearing any screaming of "Mommy, Emmett hit me!" or "Mommy, Jack ate my Cheerios!"  (Jack is our Golden Retriever.)  or a small person bursting through the door to sit on the stairs of our bathroom while I try to maintain some small sense of dignity.

Too much information?  Probably.  But if you're a parent, you know how wonderful it is to be home alone in your own house.  And I don't want any comments from those of you with pets.  You have no idea what it's like to try to use the bathroom while you're alone with small children.  And if you have no pets and no children, it's times like second paragraph that I hate you and your ability to poop in private and sleep past 7 AM whenever you want.